Process Purchase Order

This process model covers the stages that make up the purchasing flow from material request to final delivery. It’s a suggestion of how the flow should work, and it adheres to most businesses, but it’s flexible enough to be adjusted according to each need.


Users with permission to make purchase requests fill in the order form and start the flow.
On receiving the request, the department responsible checks that the product is actually available in stock and can approve or reject the request.


If the request is approved, the purchasing area receives the request and proceeds to issue 3 quotations to identify the best supplier for each item on the order.


When the quotes are received, they are attached to the flow and an evaluation is made to identify the best supplier for each item in the order. The negotiation phase with the supplier then begins in order to issue the purchase order to be sent to the winner.


The purchasing area informs the requester whether the order can be received in part or only when it is complete, and the flow continues to the requester to wait for the goods to arrive.


When the order material arrives, he attaches the invoice to the process and informs us if the order was delivered correctly or if there are any outstanding issues.


In the event of partial or incorrect delivery, the purchasing department is contacted via a process to take the necessary steps with the supplier and the flow returns to the requester to await delivery of the outstanding materials, if the purchasing department informs them that they will be delivered.

Do you want to automate your processes with agility?

Use the free, ready-made templates we’ve provided for you or create your own flows in BPM

Customer service
Purchase orders
Contract management
Payment authorization
Reimbursing expenses
Contract management

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