Business Process Management

Transform manual routines into automated processes and work more efficiently!
Trusted by thousands of companies around the world:

Get a BPM like you’ve never seen before!

BPM increases team efficiency, reduces task execution times, defines standards for meeting each business rule and, among many other benefits, also drastically reduces paper consumption.

Quick and easy process creation

Understand the progress of the case by looking at the flow drawing with the identification of the completed stages, the current stage and the stages to be completed.

Customized forms

Create your own forms using the various field formats available in the designer, which allows you to customize the data according to the requirements of each stage of the flow and take advantage of the database connection to feed them with content from other applications.

Ready-made process templates

Speed up the implementation of processes using the ready-made templates available in the process library. Use the available templates for free.

SLA control

Receive alerts when cases are critical or overdue. Send e-mail notifications before or after a task. Inform the user when a new task is assigned to them.

Dynamic Users

It allows external users to participate in the process at specific times and while the case is active. No need for manual user management.

Process Supervision

Appoint responsible persons/managers for the flows designed and allow them to monitor the execution of all the tasks in progress and interact at process time to take actions that guarantee that the deadlines set are met.

Easy to integrate

Integrate your processes with a range of applications such as Trello, Slack, Teans, etc. through Zapier, or use triggers to make external calls or connect to external databases to retrieve data already stored in your ERP.

External link to start cases

Initiate cases from input forms integrated into your website or from links sent by email to case initiators.

Transform manual routines into automated processes and work more efficiently!

With just one click everything changes BPM

Task box

Area for the tasks to be carried out. Allows you to receive tasks with direct assignment to the logged-in user as work queue tasks that can be claimed and assigned to the current user.

Public Variables

Use the data included in the forms to generate information that better identifies the case in progress and can be used to compose conditionals that define the flow routes.

Parallel flows

Create parallel processes and make flow management and execution smarter and more complete.

View case history

Analyze all the steps of a specific case, identify assignment dates, users involved, completed and pending tasks.

Definitions of organizational units

Define the company's organizational structure and make BPM understand it by delivering tasks to those responsible at each stage of the flow, or manage it through groups and users.

Manual, cyclical, self-service assignments, by variable, value and organizational unit

Various ways of assigning it that make the process smarter and more dynamic.

Viewer of documents linked to the process from the BPM

Process documents are viewed internally without the need to download files to the users' machine, for the following formats: pdf, png, jpg, tiff, txt, xml, video files and audio files can also be processed internally.

Integration with external database

During case execution, information from external databases can be imported to populate forms or to validate business rules. This feature is widely used because it allows you to standardize information and reuse it intelligently.

Execute repetitive tasks and speed up team productivity by distributing activities to those responsible who can access them from anywhere.

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