Process Recruitment and Selection

Controlling requests in spreadsheets, e-mails and other auxiliary tools slows down response times because the team has to deal with a lot of data, documents and control everything manually so as not to miss any important information.

Automating this process will speed up the steps and make the flow much more efficient. This maximizes HR’s work and adds more security to the hiring process and to the other stages of the employee’s relationship with the company.

Hiring is done in accordance with previously defined requirements, standards and norms, and all the necessary documents are centralized to support the other necessary activities.
Benefits of automating the hiring flow
Reduction in the amount of paper used in the process
Control and centralization of all requests via the system
Centralization of documentation
Reduced response time
Visibility of the progress of each request
Reducing labor risk
Better compliance
Better organization of the process.

Benefits of automating the hiring flow
- Reducing the amount of paper
- used in the process
Control and centralization of all
requests via the system
Centralization of documentation
Reduced response time
Visibility of the progress of each request
Reducing labor risk
Better compliance
Better organization of the process.
Benefits of automating the hiring flow
- Reducing the amount of paper
- used in the process
Control and centralization of all
requests via the system
Centralization of documentation
Reduced response time
Visibility of the progress of each request
Reducing labor risk
Better compliance
Better organization of the process.
Stages of the hiring flow

Vacancy request

Human resources analysis

Job opening

Selection process

Conducting interviews

Technical interview

Hiring confirmation

Notify successful candidate

Receiving documentation

Carry out a medical examination

Contact and signature

Filing documents

Work Format

Apply for benefits

Employee integration
Do you want to automate your processes with agility?
Use the free, ready-made templates we’ve provided for you or create your own flows in BPM
Learn about other processes

Customer service

Purchase orders

Contract management

Payment authorization

Reimbursing expenses

Contract management
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